
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Immediate punishment of insulting mother

Ubqari Magazine - October 2014

We had a relative who was very fond of keeping pigeons. He had pigeons on his roof. Once a cat ate his pigeon, he threw truncheon on cat’s head. Cat died on spot. When his mother came to knew about it she slapped her son that why you killed a cat? Son became angry and twisted her mother’s arm, mother cried with pain and cursed him that you may keep crying whole life due to this same arm. His son said: “ go, I don’t care”

Within few time pain started in his arm, few days passed and pain started increasing. Then he started visiting different Hakeems, and doctors but pain increased. Four months passed in pain. One day he went to tomb of Hazrat Ali Hagveri رحمت اللہ علیہ, after Fajar Prayer he slept someone called him in dream, “ why you came here, we don’t have anything  for you, go home your PEER is there” and he woke up. He understood all of it. Went home and asked for forgiveness from his mother while crying and holding her feet. Mother while crying said: I forgive you, and applied her slaiva on his arm and prayed for his health. Within few time his pain vanished as if it wasn’t there ever.

Only Destruction from interest: (one daughter)

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslam O Alikum! May Allah grant you long life, respect and health, I want to share incident of my uncle. He used to run a Hotel in Karachi, business was going good, he used to take money on interest from others, he took millions from others and used to pay them installments every month. If he took 0.5 million from someone he used to pay them 5000 every month, similarly he started giving money on interest, he gave 500,000 to needy in return he collected interest with actual money. We tried a lot to persuade him that this is interest please refrain from it but all in vein. It kept on going. He took 6 to7 million credit and used to pay interest every month.8-9 years passed he bought own house in Karachi, bought car, went to Dubai, offered Umrah and also took his father on Umrah. Then he bought bigger shop. After 9 years situation started getting bad. Within one year everything got sold out, nothing left. Now he is on rent in same house he used be owner, uncle ran away from country on visit visa, debtors are on his door steps. Wife and children are worried, he has two small sons.

When he was doing business of interest neither wife nor father asked that from where all this money is coming, both father and wife were happy that my son and husband is earning so much, now both of them are angry. My uncle is jobless in foreign, but he is same, still says that I have a lot of money where as back in his home there is nothing to eat. He might has gone mad???

Curse of victim (D,B)

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslam O Alikum! It is said that beware of victim’s curse because it goes straight on sky. Readers let me share same incident with you:

One of my friend went to another city to meet his in laws, after 2-3 days on his return I met him and he said: Dr. sahib when I went there a strange incident happened in neighborhood.

There was a tenant he was jobless and was unable to pay rent of 1 or 2 months, landlord along with his partner threw out his belongings out from house and insulted him on intersection of colony. That tenant cursed landlord. After all this when landlord came back with his partner, he turned on his stove and suddenly there was a big explode that pieces of their bodies stick on walls. Dr. sahib previously I heard that victim’s curse is powerful but after this incident I became sure that curse have immediate effects.

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